10 Best Video Game RPGs Of 2014

3. Legend Of Grimrock 2

But if you like your RPG's to be a bit more old-school, then you should look no further than Legend of Grimrock 2 by Almost Human. Serving as a loving tribute to the dungeon crawlers of yore, Legend of Grimrock 2 is the perfect sequel; take everything that players loved about the previous game and do it better, while completely eliminating anything that might have turned them off the first time out. Grimrock 2 expands beyond the scope in terms of its environments, as well. Saying farewell to the dreary labyrinth that haunted you in the first game, the sequel allows you to begin exploring the beautiful Isle of Nex. Not only is Nex a fantastic place to adventure in, but the progression between open-world questing and descending into the cavernous dungeons feels more natural for it. You'll find yourself continuously challenged not only by your own mistakes of wandering into uncharted territory, but also the impeccable level design that will always feel honest and real in spite of its fantasy setting. Grimrock 2 isn't just a great sequel to one of 2012's best games, but also a vast contribution to the entire genre itself that isn't to be missed.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.