10 Best Video Game RPGs Of 2014

2. Divinity: Original Sin

In keeping with the old-school theme, no discussion of 2014's greatest RPG's would be complete without the absolutely stellar Divinity: Original Sin. A true to form masterpiece, Original Sin brings back absolutely everything you've ever loved about RPG's that we've been sorely missing; deep customization, an amazingly detailed world and a rich challenge that will keep you glued to the screen for the entirety of its 60+ hour campaign. Falling back on what made RPG's so great to begin with is key to what makes Divinity work, as it is layered with an incredible sense of discovery and purity. The freedom at which one can tackle this extraordinary game is immense as Larian manages to completely bypass all of the troubles that some modern RPG's have created, steering the ship back on course to right that which has been wronged. No more do systems have a haphazard, clumsy way of presenting themselves. Instead, Divinity creates a clean design sheet that makes leveling up and evolving your characters feel just as rewarding as it should be. Your journey is so very personal, directly connected to that part of your brain that remembers the give and take of games like Ultima and Baldur's Gate. It's just as much about remembering the past as it is forging ahead for the future, and things look bright for the RPG after Divinity.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.