10 Best Video Game Villains Of The Decade

8. Baldur (God Of War)

Borderlands handsome jack

Offering the rare perfect mix of hateful, pathetic and yet sympathetic all at the same time, we have the main villain of 2018's God Of War, Baldur.

If you've read ANY Norse myth in high school, you know Baldur is the closest thing that Norse mythology has to a messiah, hero, and general golden boy. But in typical God Of War fashion, the writers call bullsh*t and showed Baldur as an entitled, spoiled, bordering on psychopathic maniac. Sounds like the most punchable creature on the face of the planet, yeah? Well, he is, but by the end, the game demonstrates that this is all mommy's fault.

One of the few things that the game keeps from the actual myth is Freya being told premonitions of her son's demise. So prevent this, she made him invulnerable to pain. But the game introduces the twist by making the drawback of such a spell be that Baldur loses the ability to feel ANYTHING. touch, taste, smell, even some emotions are heavily muted. Well, except for one, of course: blind seething hatred for his mother.

Having something like that done to you without your knowledge or consent would drive anyone loony. So, while Freya has been nothing but a help throughout the game, you find yourself unable to even look at the woman who did such a thing to her own child. Which is definitely going to be interesting when Freya comes back for payback in the next game. Something tells me we'll be seeing this series again next time we make a best of the decade list.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?