10 Best Video Games Of 2017 You Haven't Played

3. Night In The Woods

Night in the woods
Infinite Fall

A hidden gem if ever there was one, Night in the Woods is this year's Firewatch - or rather, it's this year's narrative heavy atmosphere-builder that pays off after hours of spending time with some incredibly well-written characters.

Brilliantly, NitW isn't all dialogue options and wandering around a la Oxenfree. Instead, you'll be partaking in the occasional platforming segment or arcade action minigames as main character Mae returns to the middle America-esque Possum Springs - a place that allows developers Infinite Fall to pass many comments on how small town America has somewhat lost its charm.

What follows is a mystery tinged with just as much coming-of-age friendship-rekindling as slow-burn reveals. Mae and her band of anthropomorphised animal buddies will likely resonate with many people you either know or grew up with, and it's this connection to in-game characters you actually want to hang out with as John Hughes-esque movie setups and scenes come in, that gives Night in the Woods a perfect amount of charm and intrigue.

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