10 Best Video Games Of 2018 You're Not Playing

8. Unravel Two

Unravel two
ColdWood Intractive

Unravel Two is nothing short of the most delightful and cutesy platformer this side of Kirby's Epic Yarn. In fact, thanks to its mix of yarn ball protagonists and a real-world setting awash in autumnal colour palettes and floral scenery, it might be even more loveable.

Gameplay-wise it's a physics-based side-scroller, and though you can play solo, swapping between both characters to complete puzzles, it takes on a life of its own once you and a partner tackle everything together. Suddenly you're tandem-swinging, catching one another, forming tightropes so one of you can reach far-away collectibles.

It looks stunning, has just the right difficulty curve across the main progression, and even unlocks a swathe of stupidly-hard platforming gauntlets if you want a more severe challenge when all's said and done.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.