10 Best Video Games Of 2019 You Haven't Played

2. American Fugitive

american fugitive
Fallen Tree Games

A window into what GTA might look like if Rockstar released their original versions today, American Fugitive is every bit the top-down, gun-happy, vehicle-abusing formula of yore, but done before GTA 3 revolutionised the franchise.

Thankfully, modern traits have been added like realistic ragdoll physics, vehicle weight and environmental deformation, and it's all these quality of life improvements that let American Fugitive shine.

Alongside a great visual production are awesome innovations like burgling houses for weapons and items, or stealing clothes from washing lines to lose your wanted level.

American Fugitive is every bit set up as a love letter to 90s GTA, and with enough charm from Fallen Tree Games on top, it is exactly that.

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