10 Best Video Games Of 2019 You Haven't Played

3. Catherine: Full Body

Catherine Full Body

Your mid-20s are a blur of hormones, half-baked commitments and an attempt to find where you stand on the whole commitment thing.

Maybe you're in a longterm relationship, maybe you're longing to get one off the ground - or maybe you're a straight-up horndog just looking to sew some wild oats for the foreseeable future.

In Catherine, all these things fold into the story. Playing as the bumbling idiot Vincent, you're already dating Katherine, and have been for quite some time - only to find out she's pregnant.

Right then, Catherine (with a 'C') comes along, and the next moment, you wake up next to her the following morning. It's here where the game alternates between awkward social situations, dialogue choices and real world data-tracking, to let you stumble through to a solution along with hundreds of other players.

Gameplay consists of unique block-pushing puzzles with changing rulesets, being a metaphor for Vincent getting his thoughts in order.

However, the real quality of Catherine is in multiple endings, how much it lets you address the way you might act in a similar situation, and how everything always gets found out in the end.

Or does it.

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