10 Best VR Shooters To Play Right Now

2. Boneworks

Pistol Whip
Stress Level Zero

If there is one thing that Boneworks does better than any other VR title, it’s the use of physics based objects. Everything can be grabbed, thrown, beaten, pulled, pushed, and caught.

There’s nothing static in Boneworks; if there’s a wall too high then just move some crates and build some steps to hop over it. You can climb those pipes all the way up to the top of the warehouse roof, and then drop down onto the head of an unsuspecting foe whilst quickly picking up a nearby plank to beat his oncoming friend.

The guns are weighty and feel accurate, and every reload and every clip inserted is done as it would be in real life. Boneworks is as immersive as VR gets.

The levels are similar to a source engine Half Life with many large rooms and a strange eastern European aesthetic to it all. There are plenty of dirty sewers, warehouses, factories, and vents to traverse. The story is vague and only pieced together slowly as you progress through the game, but it's not the highlight here when the gameplay is this immersive.

Every locker and every box can be opened and broken respectively, and enemies can be dealt with in any way you see fit. The freedom Boneworks offers is at times quite staggering. It’s a playground full of weapons, objects, and enemies to throw said objects at. The arena mode is a lot of fun too!
