10 Best Xbox Games With Gold Releases So Far

4. Bioshock Infinite

Released: March 2013Month Offered: March 2015 Looking back on this game, you either love it or you absolutely hate it. Bioshock was a game that took the world by storm, with one of the best plot twists in video game history coming in the first of the series. It was known for its underwater utopia and dark atmosphere, which Infinite went the exact opposite direction with and focussed more heavily on gun combat than in previous games. While there's a select few people who will hate on the game today, as they have time to look back and pick it apart bit by bit - from the "choices" that don't make a bit of difference to the potential plot holes based off of speculation. The game took critics by storm, however, getting amazing reviews and even winning Game of the Year awards from numerous outlets. A game with such a big backing from community and critics alike, was something fans loved to see selected as a freebie. With a two year turnaround from release to giveaway, it was a shock for fans to see such a big game come so soon. Nothing will ever beat your first blind experience, and those who missed experiencing it the first time around were finally able to be as blown away as the rest of us.

Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.