10 Best Xbox Games With Gold Releases So Far

5. Valiant Hearts: The Great War

Released: June 2014Month Offered: October 2015 Not every good game we get needs to be a blockbuster, and nothing shows that more than Valiant Hearts: The Great War. Ubisoft's little indie gem had simple gameplay, being a side-scroller that relied heavily on puzzle solving. It also has one of the rare occurrences where collectibles are actually satisfying to mop up, as they gave historical information about World War I to all those who bothered to find them. Valiant Hearts was one of the games that may have take people by surprise, as most see it as a World War I puzzle game, but deep down it is more than that. Thanks to a compelling story with one of the most emotional last segments to a game I have personally experienced in quite some time, it felt so well done, with superb artwork and subtle history lessons that really give you a greater perspective of WWI itself.

Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.