10 Big Reasons To Revisit Red Dead Redemption

9. Smooth Gunplay That Holds Up Better Than Rockstar's Recent Efforts

Red Dead Redemption Combat

Survival in Redemption often boiled down to a combination of quick reflexes and sharp eyes being the only thing keeping you from getting riddled with holes. After all, you don't get a reputation as the fastest hands in the West without the dexterity to back it up, and it's a testament to Redemption's shooting mechanics that the game still handles so well.

A side-by-side comparison of Redemption and GTA V shows how well they nailed the gunplay in the former, and it's easy to see why it was cited as an influence on the mechanics of the latter.

Redemption is largely absent of the occasional clunkiness that still managed to worm into GTA V - and It's only a matter of a few quick taps to draw a weapon, snap onto targets and open fire.

Whether you're trudging through the desert on foot, or barreling through towns on horseback - there was never a moment where you felt anything less than capable, and the multi-tiered Dead Eye mode made for a surprisingly layered experience.


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