10 Big Video Game Boss Fights That Were Total Letdowns

4. Far Cry 3 €“ Demon Boss

Far CryGiant-620x Far Cry 3 stunned me with its superb environments, fun and entertaining missions and most importantly, some of the best voice acting, character development and narrative I€™ve ever seen in a game. Sure, driving €“ like always €“ was a pain in the arse and I found it strange that a pig could withstand three shotgun blasts to the stomach, but it still was a great game. What I loathed was a run of the mill, lazy hallucination scene involving a giant demon creature. The reason I found it second-rate was that until then, every dream/ hallucination scene was crafted by a Jesus himself. But, to have a silly, dreary battle when you painstakingly shoot at a mask seemed incredibly out of tone. Still, it€™s not a bad game by any means... just close your eyes and stick your fingers in your ears and get someone else to play that part.
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Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.