10 Big Worries That Could Derail 2015’s Most Hyped Video Games

1. Batman: Arkham Knight - Will The Batmobile Combat Ruin Everything?

The above question is on everyone's lips, as even from the first announcement that Arkham Knight's big innovation is the addition of the Batmobile, it's never been a hugely sought-after feature. Sure it's serviceable enough and you'll be whizzing around Gotham in no time, but the fact remains that there's going to be missions dedicated to zipping across Gotham, recklessly smashing through buildings and the environment objects only to then engage the gun-happy 'Battle Mode' to dispatch scores of unmanned drones. It just doesn't feel - or look - like a Batman game from what's been shown so far, instead the movement of the Batmobile connotes that of Halo's Scorpion tank, the camera hanging back as you dodge and weave through units, setting off as many explosions as possible. No doubt it'll be big dumb fun the first few times you do it, but it remains to be seen if Rocksteady can implement this in a way that's enjoyable both in the long run, or even as something that feels natural amongst a stealth-focussed experience already complimented by sections of melee combat. What other niggling doubts do you have about this year's biggest titles? Let us know in the comments!
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