10 Biggest Disappointments From E3 2018

9. Assassin's Creed Odyssey Is Barely An Assassin's Creed Game

assassins creed odyssey

Onto an ongoing conversation around the record-setting Assassin's Creed franchise. AC: Odyssey is this year's instalment, putting the series back on an annual release model - at least for now.

The game of course has the full might of Ubisoft's substantial coffers backing every blade swing, but that's also the problem: AC Odyssey was all too focused on showcasing combat, group warfare and army management over any meaningful changes to stealth gameplay, or, y'know, being an assassin.

We even found out that Odyssey doesn't feature the hidden blade, instead replaced with a supernatural Piece of Eden - in this case the spear of Leonidas.

Again, the game looks outstanding for what it is, but all those hoping Odyssey would continue where Origins left off in terms of fleshing out the assassins and their motivations will likely be left wanting.

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