10 Biggest Gaming Disappointments of 2012

8. Medal of Honour: Warfighter

The Medal of Honour series was once upon a time the King of the military FPS; who can forget the first time they picked up Allied Assault and was wowed at the stunning Omaha Beach level? Post-Call of Duty, the genre has evolved considerably, focusing less on single player and more on an incentivised, level-based multiplayer, and naturally, the MoH series has had to follow suit. The first attempt to reboot the series, 2010's simply titled Medal of Honour, was something of a disappointment, relying on clunky single player mechanics, underwhelming graphics and a piecemeal multiplayer offering that just couldn't live up to Call of Duty's equivalents. So, we get what is essentially another attempt to return the franchise to its former glory with Warfighter, which boasts a greater focus on characters during its single player offering - featuring some Homeland-esque cut-scenes - but never really engages us emotionally in what is going on. The single player has some gimmicky driving sections which we can give or take, and a thoroughly inert climax that isn't satisfying in any way. Though the game looks gorgeous, the barely-5-hour campaign is a massive let down, while the multiplayer again just can't hold a candle to Call of Duty's marvellously-designed one.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.