10 Biggest Gaming Myths About The Apocalypse

1. It€™s An Apocalypse

There€™s a reason it€™s called an apocalypse, it€™s the end of days, and time to clock out for humanity. An apocalypse is a pretty intense series of events, just look at a few of the potential scenarios you might have to deal with. Fallout - nuclear disaster. Last Of Us - biological disaster, Left 4 Dead/Dead Rising/ZombiU - zombie uprising, Wind Waker - magical flood, The list goes on and on. Whatever the reasons behind the apocalypse and whatever state the earth is left in - scorched and irradiated, lush and crumbling, overrun by the dead - you're in it and whilst it might be pretty cool to take a stroll around them in-game, in reality, just short of 7 billion other people will be gone leaving you near alone, trying to rebuild and surrounded by hostility. If there's one thing that games and reality will probably agree on, whoever and whatever's left after it's all gone, they're most likely going to try and kill you and on top of that you have the list of previous problems to contend with as well. So, if you do make it, good luck.
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Comedian, gamer, film fanatic.