10 Biggest Gaming News Stories That Shocked The World

6. Mass Effect's Sexual Antics

As a gamer, it's hard not to get a little angry about this one. Just because it's in a game, it doesn't mean that sex is a horrible thing. It's been done to death in films, so why is it any worse in a game? Centered around the first game in the series, Mass Effect's controversy arose when FOX News incorrectly stated that players of Mass Effect could "sodomise whatever, whomever, however, the game player wishes," or claiming that the game shows full digital nudity and graphic sex. Anyone who has seen Mass Effect's sex scenes will be the first to disagree with these statements. Not only are they complete nonsense, but it just shows a total lack of journalistic integrity designed to cause sensationalism - series' developers Bioware naturally demanded several retractions from FOX. The following quote, courtesy of a psychologist who was interviewed about gaming sex after she saw the scenes, basically sums up the whole controversy.
"I've seen episodes of Lost that are more sexually explicit."
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.