10 Biggest Gaming News Stories That Shocked The World

5. Resistance: Fall Of Man Vs. Christianity

When developers Insomniac Games first released Resistance: Fall of Man, they probably didn't know they were going to get into a very public dispute with the Church of England. The issue stems from Insomniac's decision to include a level based on real-life location Manchester Cathedral, replicating many of the cathedral's features in game form. The main issue the church had with this inclusion is that Resistance is very much a shoot-lots-of-things-'til-they-die sort of game and they didn't feel that a famous religious site is the best kind of place for this stuff to be going down. This prompted the Church to carry out several lawsuits against Insomniac and publishers Sony, with the Church stating that the use of the church was sacrilegious and that using an area with a history of gun crime for a shooting game was unacceptable. Sony countered this argument by stating that the game takes place in an alternative history, comparing the events to an episode of Doctor Who. Thus begun a long and tiresome debate about copyright, religion, the use of historical buildings, gaming and much more. Ironically, the whole thing only served to improve awareness of the new IP, helping Resistance to shift loads more copies and spawn two sequels in the years that followed.
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.