10 Biggest Lies Gamers Tell Themselves
10. I'll Turn It Off After This Mission/Quest

We've all fooled ourselves with this one before. It's late. You're having fun. But it's a school or work night. Your wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner/parents look at you imploringly and say "are you calling it a night soon?"
"Of course," you reply, "I'll be in bed right after this mission". And I suppose it isn't technically a lie either. I mean, you will call it quits after at some point after the mission. But you neglect to mention, even to yourself, that it'll be after the mission, after a bit of crafting, maybe some levelling, after handing in a few completed missions and maybe a quick killing spree just after you save, if the game allows for that sort of thing of course.
This is one of the most common lies gamers repeatedly tell themselves and will probably continue to tell themselves until someone invents a device that allows you to game in your sleep. That'd be handy, wouldn't it?