10 Biggest Lies Gamers Tell Themselves

8. I'm The Best At This Game

Halo 4 Pc 600x3001 We all like to think we're good at games, even if we aren't- especially if we aren't. We lie to ourselves and tell ourselves that we're great. In some cases, we may even play on easy or very easy to make ourselves feel like we're the best there is (I'm looking at you, Bayonetta). Most gamers know the feeling. They can complete Halo's entire campaign, solo, on legendary difficulty, without a problem. They're great at the game. They're better than anyone else they know. Then, they get to multiplayer. And they don't do so hot. And they may or may not realize, "Wow, I really suck." Yes, there are plenty of gamers who are actually great (otherwise there wouldn't be those of us that suck, now would there?), but there are plenty of others who like to believe they're good when they clearly aren't--if not you, someone you know.
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Richelle's obsessions include comics, films, and video games. She loves Brian K. Vaughan's Ex Machina and Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master.