10 Biggest Lies Gamers Tell Themselves

2. It's Worth The Money

injustice-gods-among-us Games are expensive. For a day 1 release, you have to fork over $60. Even if you wait a few months after the initial release, games are still expensive, so most of us don't wait. It takes so much time to go down in price such a little bit, so what's the point? Might as well get it now, right? But is it really worth that money? Odds are, for the majority of games out there, you'll finish the game within the first week of buying it, and you'll set it aside and won't play it again for a long time. It'll just sit on a shelf and collect dust--unless it's one of those great games that you'll play over and over, and spend hours and hours on each individual play through, but those games are regrettably rare. It's even worse if you bought DLC. Sometimes DLC is worthwhile, but other times, it's a complete waste of money, like those games where you pay money for extra characters (I'm looking at both of you, Injustice and Borderlands 2). Sure, these characters might be great (otherwise you wouldn't buy them), but doesn't it seem unfair that they can't just be included in the original game? Are they really worth the extra $5 or $10 each?
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Richelle's obsessions include comics, films, and video games. She loves Brian K. Vaughan's Ex Machina and Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master.