10 Biggest Lies Told By The Gaming Industry

6. Release Dates

trailer-2-gtav-logo Jesus bloody Christ, is there even a point in a company revealing a release date for their game? Half the damn time the title gets pushed back anyway, so it just makes people upset and angry. GTA: V which was set for release in Spring I believe, has been pushed back to September. That€™s so bloody aggravating because I start my dissertation then, and now I can€™t mess about in GTA doing everything that keeps Jack Thompson up at night. Now, I take every announcement, every proclamation with such a large amount of salt my GP is honestly worried I may develop I high blood pressure. I wonder when a company announces a release date for their title, it€™s nothing more than the marketing team drumming up some hype when in reality, it just pisses gamers off.
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Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.