10 Biggest Lies Told By The Gaming Industry

5. Cinematic Trailers

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZqrG1bdGtg What is the point of having a cinematic trailer for something that is an interactive experience? Yeah they look impressive and most likely had a lot of time and effort put into them, but they aren€™t selling the correct medium. We PLAY games, sometimes €“ even though cut scenes are bloody ludicrous now-a-days €“ we don€™t want to watch a pre-rendered cinematic while we sit there wondering when the actually game part of a damn video game starts. I recall when the Dead Island trailer came out and everyone lost their marbles over how shocking it was to have the entire trailer playing in reverse, when that particular chestnut had been cracked and smashed to dust in the 90s. And when the actual game came out, everyone thought it was a huge poo. The moral of the story is, in a trailer, show some actual bloody gameplay.
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Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.