10 Biggest Lies Told By The Gaming Industry

3. Reviewers

grrt Ah yes; this will touch a few buttons, and I€™m not talking about imputing a cheat code, wink wink. Reviewers are some of the biggest fibbers in the industry. But, who can blame them? They get buttered up by PR teams with early releases of games, free tickets for press events, merchandise and the list goes on. So, if they want to keep enjoying their free loading live, they will write pleasant, palatable reviews on the company€™s title. This is why I believe being a critic is the best form of journalist because as a critic, you outline the problems with a title. Honestly, that€™s what you all want to know. If you€™re buying a car it€™s nice to know that it runs smoothly and has wheels, but if the retailer doesn€™t tell you there€™s a huge tiger sleeping on the backseats; you€™re in for a nasty surprise. The other issue with most reviewers today is every Tom, Dick and Harry can set up a website and spout their opinion about their favourite game, and becauase are so head over heals with the title; they can€™t see the blatant faults gazing into their love sick eyes. My rule is: A reviewer shouldn€™t review a title that he/she likes, as it will blind them to giving an objective, impartial view. This is why I can talk about every game as I hate them all with such white hot animosity.
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Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.