10 Biggest Lies Told By The Gaming Industry

4. Demos

mgs When I was young and full of life, I couldn€™t wait for the next issue of PlayStation Mag to drop through my letter box so I could enjoy a part of the upcoming titles. However, when the demo for Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty pushed my fun pouch, I couldn€™t wait it for €“ the sexual €“ Solid Snake€™s next adventure. But, unfortunately that wasn€™t the case, and one more company made my bomb list. Demos are vindictive because they are taken completely out of context, and that really bugs me. They can€™t reveal much plot so it€™s always some unsystematic point in the story which, I guess you could argue is a good thing, but in my eyes it writes cheques the final product can€™t sign.... if that's the phrase. Also, demos are normally incredibly linear, yes the demo might be from a pretty linear game, but because demos are pretty damn short, it makes the linearity worse. I understand that BETA testing is an expensive and lengthy process, but it has to be done; and companies cutting corners by releasing a BETA that wears the garments of a demo doesn€™t help anyone. It pains me to say it, but BETA testers are qualified to spend two hundred hours finding ways to break the game, a gamer €“ normally €“ isn€™t looking for ways to ruin their experience.
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Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.