10 Biggest Mainstream Misconceptions About Video Games

8. It's Intrinsically Addictive

This one stems from those occasional news stories where some poor kid has gone on a gaming bender, racking up four days game-time with no sleep, no food. Instead it's just energy drinks and unsurprisingly, they drop dead in some internet café. It's very sad and incredibly unfortunate, but these isolated incidents do not automatically make gaming addictive. Playing games is enjoyable and that is about as addictive as it gets. Some people are more prone to addictive tendencies than others and naturally become hooked on what they find enjoyable - be it food, drink, the internet, sex, whatever they happen to find enjoyment and stimulation from. The idea that gaming itself is addictive by definition is a huge misconception, as those who end up with anything close to an intense affiliation are very likely to addictive personalities in the first place. The issue lies with the person, not their hobby, despite how the media would like to spin it.
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I am a man of many interests. I am a passionate gamer, running my own YouTube channel (The Gadget Addicts) showing off the best of modern gaming in the form of Let's Play videos. I am an ardent musician, having been a guitarist for the past 13 years. I am also a massive geek, I adore science fiction and fantasy films and TV shows and am trying to work up the courage to start writing a novel. If I can ever think of a good story to tell... I live with my wife in the North East of England and own a belligerent little black cat.