10 Biggest Missed Opportunities In Fighting Game History

7. Sans In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

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Nintendo/Toby Fox

Once upon a time, there was a little game called Undertale (maybe you've heard of it?). It was a tiny indie game that became so overwhelmingly popular it overtook the internet. One big piece of this puzzle was a skeleton dude named Sans, a fun, quirky and cool character. He was so huge for a while that he wasn't just part of internet meme culture; he WAS meme culture!

The unprecedented success of Undertale drew a lot of eyes from the gaming industry, and it didn't take long for fans to start pressing for one of its biggest characters to "join the fray".

Sans in Smash seemed like an absolute no-brainer, as his fighting style would mesh well, and it could capitalise on his rampant popularity. But, in the end, Nintendo opted for a compromise that was somewhat satisfying but still a disappointment.

Nintendo revealed in 2019 that Sans would be joining the legendary franchise, but in the form of a costume for the Mii gunner character. It was exciting to see him included for sure, but it still felt like only a taste of the pie when fans wanted a whole slice.

A traditional character inclusion with a fully developed move-set seemed way more fitting, but players had to make do with this half-baked inclusion.

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