10 Biggest Missed Opportunities In Fighting Game History

3. The Lack Of Tekken X Street Fighter

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Bandai Namco Games

Street Fighter is one of the biggest progenitors of the fighting game genre, a classic franchise with an eye-catching art style, punchy combos and a wide array of iconic characters.

Tekken, on the other hand, is an insanely well-designed fighter with dark visuals, a compelling set of fighting styles, a rewarding learning curve and complex storytelling. Both are excellent, and both are beloved.

So, with all that prestige and high acclaim, it's no surprise that fans went ballistic when Capcom/Namco announced they'd be collaborating on a pair of titles crossing the franchises over. Both IPs would get their time in the sun, as there would be a duo of games featuring fighters from both franchises, with each one emanating the style of either Street Fighter or Tekken. It was happy days indeed, but sadly, only half of this prophecy came true.

The first of these titles (Street Fighter X Tekken) did indeed release, and it was well received by critics, but not so much by fans. There was hope on the horizon for the second crossover (Tekken X Street Fighter), but those hopes were dashed after it was put on hold in 2016.

Sadly, Street Fighter X Tekken's financial underperformance was a death knell for Tekken X Street Fighter, with the only news coming out since being vague and confusing statements hinting at its abandonment.

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