10 Biggest PlayStation Risks (That Totally Backfired)

7. Relying On The Move Too Early

Lair PS3

After what some could call the moderate success of the EyeToy and its line, Sony thought the next step up would be full body motion with its Move system.

While now the Move controllers are an accompanying feature with the PSVR headset, prior to that... they weren't anything special.

Released way back in 2010, the PlayStation Move was just another gimmicky motion controller. Whilst it did "survive" and make the leap across the consoles, it was still seen as a tacked-on dalliance that wouldn't really amount to much.

Technically, it was a functional bit of a kit, but the games that supported it were a bit naff. Whilst selling sufficiently, it wasn't until recent years that the Move has found its footing with VR.

One could argue that the Move was the precursor to Sony's VR push, as it wasn't a commercial failure like, say, the Vita. Yet at a time when the Kinect was also trying to capture that motion-market, it was just seen as a competitive move (pun intended) from Sony.

Not a failure in the strictest sense, but pushing them so hard backfired in the short term.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.