10 Biggest PlayStation Risks (That Totally Backfired)

8. Crippling Backwards Compatibility On The PS3

Lair PS3

The PlayStation 2 was great for many reasons, but one of its biggest successes was allowing fans to keep their PSone collection. This was a "good move", as it allowed those on the fence to keep their classic games without fear of them becoming redundant.

So, it would be fair to assume the PS3 would follow suit. To which it did... kind of.

PlayStation games were fine, at the sacrifice of lack of memory card support. Which was a fair-ish compromise, as internal "cards" could be made from storage. No biggie, unless you had a 100+ hour Final Fantasy VIII save.

The same couldn't be said for PlayStation 2 games, though. There were only two PS3 models that could play them: the paltry 20 and 60gb models. As such, these became desirable and therefore hard to find.

It seemed like an odd move from Sony to skip a generation, considering that the PS2 had such a massive library of games. What made it more insulting was releasing said PS2 games on digital library down the line.

Nothing more annoying than paying twice for a game that's sat right there on your shelf.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.