10 Biggest Reasons To Own A Dreamcast In 2019

1. It's A Legendary Console

Dreamcast console

By owning this console, you own a piece of gaming history; a collector's item.

It turned out to be the last ever console released by Sega, and despite their continued presence in the software world - and even a resurgence in hardware through the release of the Mega Drive Mini - it’s hard to see Sega ever truly breaking back into the hardware market.

The Dreamcast remains a fantastic console - one that suffered during its natural lifespan due to mistakes made during launch, and a limited selection of games. The Sega brand also had a stigma from previous botched launches.

Still, history looks back kindly on the Dreamcast. With a full range of titles now in place, a gaming world comfortable with online play and the Sega name evoking fond memories of years gone by, the Dreamcast is seen as a better console than it was during its initial run.

As bizarre as it might sound, 20 years since its release in Europe, 2019 is the perfect time to buy Sega’s latest, greatest console.

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