10 Biggest Scams In Gaming History

4. Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing

GameMill Publishing

Superman 64, Bubsy 3D, and Sonic '06 are legendary for how mind-bogglingly terrible they are. With that said, at least the developers tried to make a good game.

The same cannot be said about Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing. In this disastrous racing title, the player must make their way through five routes while driving a semi-trailer truck.

Sounds simple enough, right? However, there are an alarming amount of problems. Firstly, everything crashes if the fourth route is selected, meaning a quarter of the main campaign is literally unplayable. Due to the lack of collision detection, the player's truck constantly passes through walls, houses, and barricades. Sometimes, they sail right through the ground.

Also, a maximum speed while in reverse was never programmed. If the player keeps driving backwards, they can theoretically move faster than the speed of light.

Skill isn't required since going off-road or uphill has no effect on the vehicle's speed. There's no time limit and the enemies don't move, making losing an impossibility (unless the game glitches).

Just to prove the developers couldn't care less about the project, every "race" concludes with the grammatically incorrect phrase, "YOU'RE WINNER!"

Since Big Rigs was indisputably released in a pre-alpha state, it can barely be classified as a game.

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