10 Biggest Scams In Gaming History

5. Assassin's Creed Unity


For the longest time, Assassin's Creed looked like it could do no wrong. With Ubisoft tossing out one hit after another, the historic fantasy franchise maintained a remarkable consistency at first.

Of course, this is Ubisoft we're talking about, so they were bound to screw up sooner or later. Sure enough, the powerhouse IP became a laughing stock, thanks to Assassin's Creed Unity - the game that launched a thousand memes and nightmare-fuel screenshots. 

Though the previous instalment, Assassin's Creed Rogue, wasn't spectacular, it was a masterpiece compared to Unity. The face-melting glitches are so infamous, they have inspired horrifying pieces of artwork. Although Unity has other flaws, such as stilted combat and ropey gameplay, criticism was primarily directed at the multitude of technical bugs.

Which begs the question - what the hell happened? Simply put, the Assassin's Creed crowd was tossing out too many games at once, stretching their numbers too thinly to release an adequate title. 

In the publisher's defence, they were surprisingly effective when it came to damage control. Not only were many errors remedied, customers were offered an expansion at no extra cost and a free game from Ubisoft's catalogue. 

Nevertheless, anyone who played this pre-patched clunker felt scammed, since it shouldn't have been released in a broken state in the first place.

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