10 Biggest Surprises In E3 History

4. Project Natal


With the Nintendo Wii ably demonstrating that gamers were more than willing to give something new a chance, it was now up to the other major players in the console wars to produce something that could compete.

While Sony came up with their Sixaxis controller, which was little more than a poor man's WiiMote, Microsoft had much loftier ambitions in mind.

At E3 2009 the company shocked the world with the introduction of Project Natal. With it they brought full body motion control to the masses for the first time since SEGA's Activator control system, only this time they had the tech to really make the entire concept work.

That first demonstration of the capabilities of Project Natal was an absolutely jaw-dropping moment in E3 history and the system - which would eventually be re-branded Kinect - demonstrated just what was possible with motion controls in gaming.

The system never really lived up to that initial promise (quick, think of a truly great Kinect game) but for a while the industry could do little more than be awed by what looked like a true revolution in the way games were going to be played.


Lee Price is a writer for 411mania.com and Starburst Magazine, which is published in the UK. He is currently working as a freelance writer. He hopes to one day fund his addiction to video games by writing about video games, and he maintains a sporadically updated blog at leesrandombulls*it.wordpress.com