10 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries In Video Games

6. Ammo Box - Perfect Dark

red dead redemption strange man

Rare are developers that are known for littering their games with quirky items designed to get the community talking. Most of the time players are content disregarding them as being "one of those Rare things" but, in the case of Perfect Dark, the curiosity behind one item in particular has refused to evaporate in the years since.

In the sewers level on the Combat Simulator, there's a particular ammo box under the floor with two tunnels branching off it. It looks like a serious item, with plenty of players back in the day speculating as to whether this could have held a cheat for unlimited ammunition or perhaps even a secret weapon of some sort.

In reality, this isn't even a real ammo box as it doesn't move when it is shot at. There's also no way of reaching it, with both the tunnels to it going nowhere. The fact that the game's strategy guide highlights the box with a "pretty suspicious, eh?" quip makes most assume this is, indeed, "one of those Rare things".

Whether or not they take this at face value is up to the player though, as no one has ever been able to definitively prove what the purpose of this one box is.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.