10 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries In Video Games

5. Shadow Figures - Super Mario Galaxy 2

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A few forays into King Boo's haunted houses aside, the Mario series isn't exactly known for delivering the chills. Which makes the unsolved mystery behind the shadow figures in Super Mario Galaxy 2 all the more eerie.

Playing through the Shiverburn Galaxy, players may begin to notice some strange figures peering over the horizon and following them as they progress. Mere shadowy outlines on the horizon, it's an admittedly creepy sight and one that still doesn't have a concrete explanation to this day.

A deep dive into the game's internal code revealed the figures to have the name 'HellValleySkyTree', but one look at their huge eye sockets will tell any player that those trees are not real trees.

The only other breakthrough we have for these mysterious figures is the codename of the level they belong to: BeyondHellValley. Quite why Mario Galaxy 2 was going to house such a spooky level, how these figures would have been presented in it, and why this was all supposedly scrapped remains a mystery.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.