10 Biggest Video Game Controversies Of 2014

6. Watch Dogs' Graphics Scandal

Well we say 'scandal', but depending on how much you read into this at the time it'll colour how annoyed you were, still many pointed a very accusatory finger at Ubisoft after the reveal that a markedly better - and advertised - graphics option was actually contained on the disc. So it was though, that even if you could see past the Frankenstein'ing of various other popular franchises together to create the completely hollow main game, there was no denying that the game we had in our hands was nowhere near the version that was advertised - or even unveiled as the initial build two years prior. The reason? Ubisoft stated they had reduced the graphics rendering options for the sake of "performance", something that was royally flipped on its head when PC owners discovered the original settings in the code and switched them back on. Performance was unhindered, shadows burst back into life and the whole thing looked definitively 'next gen'. Ubisoft's response was fairly moot, sticking with the a line of "Well if you want to do that, that's cool, we dunno!" while console owners were stuck with something that looked like a toned down Sleeping Dogs. Throw in a six month delay to get to this reduced state in the first place and the fact that certain art assets around the city - such as train tracks - seemed to have literally been stitched together to make this deadline (making for trains that took 90 degree-angle turns) and the entirety of Watch Dogs felt like a game designed by a bunch of box-ticking businessmen with zero idea of artistry or what makes a game genuinely fun.
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