10 Biggest Video Game Controversies Of 2014

5. Hatred's Trailer Reception

The surge of popularity and general sporadic condemnation of video games kind of came and went with the announcement of this, but we wouldn't be surprised if there's a storm on the horizon if and when it finally gets a full release. Hatred is a title inspired by the likes of Postal, where you play a guy who literally just wants to butcher as many civilians as possible. The trailer opens with what sounds like some Columbine-inspired manifesto-speech, before close-ups of knife-stabbings and in-mouth gunshots play out, all in black and white with your protagonist mentioning that he's acting out a "genocide crusade". Tasteful stuff then, yeah? Check it out and see how much you can stomach: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV3PhvCf_Jg Developer Destructive Creations' head Jaroslaw Zielinski has gone on record saying that he just wants to make a game that reverts to how things "used to be" and how he's sick of all the "political correctness" in games - which would be great if GTA V wasn't literally the best selling entertainment property of all time. In response to the completely tasteless and "Hey mom, look at this!" attention-grab of a trailer, game engine-owners Epic Games asked the Polish studio to remove their Unreal Engine logo from it, but since then it still makes you wonder how much we're willing to indulge in when it comes to video game violence. Film has its Human Centipedes, Hostels and Saws, and along with older titles like Night Trap or Custer's Revenge, 2014 is adding Hatred to that fly-circling pile.
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