10 Biggest Video Game Controversies Of 2014

4. DriveClub's Launch Day Server Problems

Another major release, another launch day server crash. When EA and Rockstar can't align the coding planets for Battlefield 4 or GTA V respectively, there's little hope for us. Still, even Sony proved that despite rigorous pre-release testing on simulated servers, Driveclub's momentous launch had a list of necessary online features totally broken. The 'free' Playstation Plus version is still delayed a month later too, and being it was set to be the first PS Plus release that wasn't a side-scroller more at home on your phone, that could've been a very big deal.
The vast majority of racing games tend to be used by the bigger companies to show off their newest tech by rendering the shiniest car possible for whatever year they debut in. After leading the initial PS4 press materials with this new flagship franchise, Sony are still pushing the full retail edition, despite it not working to spec. It's pretty shocking stuff really, considering the always-wavering faith people have in their new machines. The idea of finally ponying up the cash for something you've been looking forward to for over a year, only for it to sit on loading and crash screens for the majority is more reason the retail edition should join the PS Plus one in the pits for now.
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