10 Biggest Video Game Financial Disasters This Generation

9. The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Amazing spider man 2

In the run up to release, it was difficult to find any information on The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Beenox's original title at least had a little bit of buzz surrounding it, with the developers enthusiastically showing off the new swinging mechanics and how they were expanding on the story of the movie counterpart.

TASM 2 seemed to receive no promotion whatsoever, dropping with zero fanfare and without even the basic reviews at launch to let players know if it was any good. Of course, it wasn't, and this title (even more so than most other licensed games) felt phoned in and incredibly sloppy. Despite coming out on next-generation consoles, it somehow looked worse than its predecessor, and the whole thing stunk of contractual obligations rather than anything relating to passion.

As a result, the title sold poorly across its launch window, and to this day has only sold about 750,000 copies. In fairness, that's probably decent for a game nobody knew was coming out and which you actually can't buy anywhere other than second-hand shops now.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3