10 Biggest Video Game Flops Of 2017
7. Agents Of Mayhem

Agents of Mayhem actually has plenty going for it, including great action gameplay and a wide range of characters. Despite this, it didn't quite manage to escape from the shadow of the Saints Row franchise it intended to spin off from, and ended up looking worse for it.
There really wasn't any good reason for Agents of Mayhem not to sell like it did. It released in a fairly empty time, had a pretty wide advertising campaign and was well-received by critics. The only reasonably explanation was just a simple lack of interest from consumers.
Considering the popularity of the Saints Row series, it seems like gamers just want to see more of that. The purposeful similarities between the two titles might have ended up confusing potential consumers more, which might have led to Agents of Mayhem's downfall. In a year this crowded, only the best games truly stand out.
Let's hope that Volition give this universe another crack in the future.