10 Biggest Video Game Flops Of 2017

3. Troll And I

Knack 2
Spiral House

It's pretty lucky for Troll And I that it managed to fly under the radar, because this game is bad. Chances are the only time most people have heard of Troll And I is when they're being warned away from it.

Troll And I released with barely any attention, poor critical reception and no interest from gamers, making it such a flop that it's actually quite difficult to even find a copy of it in the wild. A lack of media attention is one reason for the game's failure, but there's much more to it than that.

Despite launching on all three current generation consoles, the biggest problem with Troll And I is that it feels like a game made for the PS2-era. Uninspiring gameplay, a poor story and a low budget makes Troll And I an easy game to avoid.

And the Switch port? Don't even get us started on that mess.

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Knack 2
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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.