10 Bizarre Video Game Achievements You Didn't See Coming
9. Hungry Hal - Guild Wars 2
Some achievements are bizarre because it seems like a weird thing for you to be congratulated for, some because they’re straight up bonkers, and others because if you sat back and thought “I could do this wildly insane thing, but there’s no way the game would reward me for it”, and it does, that’s our doubly whammy of batshit and out of the blue.
Enter the Hungry Hal achievement from Guild Wars 2. Many games offer you the chance to give back to the less fortunate NPCs inhabiting their digital worlds and this instance is no exception.
Hal the Hermit is a hapless homeless human who happens to hunger hopefully for an ember apple. If you’ve got one you can part with it and give him something to eat. Well done you. If for some reason that rush of doing something good for the world is something you want to repeat you can give him another one, and another, and another. And only if you decide to do this 50 times, one at a time, will the Hungry Hal achievement pop proving you weren’t just massively wasting your time.
And I really do mean wasting your time. Ember Apples spawn sparsely and diligent players worked out at minimum this one is taking you well over an hour to complete with every speed trick in the book.
If you popped this one organically I honestly don’t even know what to say.