10 Bizarre Video Game Spin-Offs You Had No Idea Existed

1. Theatrhythm Final Fantasy (2012) (Nintendo DS)

url-10 Make up a word, throw it in front of Final Fantasy and hope for the best: that was presumably the idea that Square Enix had when they decided to "get with the times" and produce their own rhythm game based loosely around their esteemed Final Fantasy franchise and its music. And the music in the Final Fantasy series is beautiful, at least, which makes this game a worthy - though still bizarre - addition to your gaming collection. One could argue that the idea of a Final Fantasy rhythm game sounds almost like something of a joke, but Nobuo Uematsu - the genius behind most of the tunes on offer here - played Theatrhythm Final Fantasy and said: "As I remembered various things from the past 20 years, I was reduced to tears. FF music fans should definitely play it. Won't you cry with me?" Won't you cry with him? Won't you? Which bizarre video game spin-offs have we missed? Let us know in the comments section below.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.