10 Bizarre Video Game Spin-Offs You Had No Idea Existed

2. Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures (1994) (SNES)


Because God forbid you got the old adventures, right? So it was out with the trippy mazes and in with the mundane nature of modern life for Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures, Namco's attempt to, uh, put Pac-Man on a hand-glider and watch him fly. And though you'd probably expect it to, the game doesn't let you actually play as Pac this time around - you play as you, an observer of sorts, who has been tasked with helping the iconic yellow blob through a variety of challenges. Why? Well, what else you doing? Not terrible by any means, though certainly not the Pac-Man we know and love, Pac-Man 2 was just kind of... lame in its make-up. There was none of the frantic, obsessive gameplay that made the original so great: instead you're assigned tasks like, "get some milk," or "collect a flower for your wife," which aren't even things the average person enjoys doing in real life. No thanks, Namco.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.