8. Kung Fu Chaos
Kung Fu Chaos was a game that I loved playing as a naive, care-free teenager, and it is only upon revisiting it recently that it occurred to me how absurdly racist the whole thing is. Microsoft's third attempt at a party game for all the family (after the flops that were Whacked! and Fusion Frenzy) proves to be at once their best and worst effort yet; it's serviceable and fun as a pretty standard Super Smash Bros. copy, but what derails it is the casual racism at its core that pervades throughout. The game, to its credit, is thoroughly tongue-in-cheek from start to finish, but that does little to disguise the somewhat mean-spirited send-ups of Asian stereotypes; the majority of the game's characters have heavily slanted eyes, buck teeth, and speak in the most exaggerated form of "Engrish" known to man. Again, to be fair, the developers sought to offend as many people as possible, because there's also a blaxploitation stereotype, a blonde bombshell stereotype - liable to offend precisely no white people nonetheless - and a Mexican one too. Still, the Asian stereotypes are easily the most pronounced, and there's the sure feeling that the others were tacked on as damage control.
Shaun Munro
Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.
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