10 Bold Gaming Predictions For E3 2015

1. Rockstar Will Announce A New IP/Sequel

Bully? 2006. GTA IV? 2008. Red Dead Redemption? 2010. Max Payne 3? 2012. Noticing a pattern here? So far Rockstar have delivered a unique title every two years, and although their overlapping development studios mean other titles like L.A. Noire and Midnight Club slot in and out of this vague framework, they're long overdue on releasing something that's not GTA. Thankfully they've already confirmed a GTA VI is in the works too, but considering how feature-complete and over-stretched in terms of padding out the ancillary elements of V was (yoga mini-games, anyone?) it's about time they reveal either a brand new IP, or a sequel to something like Red Dead or Bully. The only other game they were working on - only for it to disappear into production limbo - was Agent; a Cold War spy-thriller that apparently saw them tackling the stealth genre, something they're yet to perfect despite occasional dabbles in some GTA missions. Whatever they do, considering how incredible the ending of Red Dead and overall tone of Max Payne were, it proves some of their best work often comes when they're away from the series' that have come to define them. Here's to Rockstar wowing everybody with a completely new project right out the blue. What are your craziest predictions for E3 2015? Let us know in the comments!
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