10 Bold Gaming Predictions For E3 2015

2. Ubisoft Showcases A New Splinter Cell

Oh yeah, that franchise - the one that helped put Ubi on the map, teaming up with the titanic Metal Gear Solid to ride the new stealth genre-wave together. However, following a trilogy of absolutely phenomenal titles - the third in particular being one of the greatest games of all time - it hasn't been such smooth sailing. Double Agent was a cross-developed title for the then-new 360, leading to the last-gen version actually playing far better, and the narrative-heavy Conviction had some good ideas, but missed the point that fans just want a Hitman-style series of missions - without the story-centric backbone. Cue 2013's Blacklist; the best SC since Chaos Theory by a mile - but one that didn't have Michael Ironside voicing Sam Fisher, drawing so much ire from fans it stunted any positive impact even before reaching shelves. Ubi have since confirmed there's another 'Cell in the works, but have gone dark since - making for E3 to be the perfect place to debut one of their most beloved series', despite all the missteps along the way. After all, nobody on Earth wants another Watch Dogs.
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