10 Brain Bending Video Game Puzzles That Will Drive You Insane

8. Antichamber

superliminal game

Antichamber is the Hannibal Lector of video games. Intelligent, cruel, and self-satsified. And, of course, it will consume you.

No trick is above or beneath Antichamber. False walls, visual deception, a lack of adherence to the rules it previously established. But what really takes your brain, puts it through the wringer, and leaves you an empty husk is that you can never be certain what has significance in anti-chamber.

Is this puzzle solvable? Is it worth solving? Is this allusion to Sisyphus (who in Greek mythology was forced in the underworld to push a boulder up a hill every day, only to have it roll down to the bottom) of any meta-significance? Even your frustration in Antichamber is frustrating. Should you be frustrated with yourself because you're missing something obvious? Or should you be frustrated with the developer, the evil genius that is Alexander Bruce?

Like a toddler asking "why?" to everything you say, Antichamber forces you into a spiralling descent of self-doubt until you eventually scream "JUST BECAUSE" and curl up in a ball on the floor.

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Author, father, watcher of TV, and long suffering Cleveland Browns and Southampton FC fan.