10 Brilliant Playstation One Games We Are Still Playing

9. MediEvilMedievil

Released in October 1998, MediEvil chronicled the adventures of Sir Dan Fortesque - a cowardly skeleton knight who has been reanimated to fight against the evil Zarok - a sorcerer who wants to enslave Sir Dan's home town of Gallowmere. Sir Dan must fight against zombies and other monsters in order to save Gallowmere from Zarok's grasp. There was a direct sequel released in 2000 called MediEvil 2 which improved on a lot of the game play in its predecessor and it was set in atmospheric Victorian London. MediEvil is a great little game and one that is so fiendishly enjoyable, you will be unable to put down your controller. For zombie freaks, there are thrills to be had. Granted they aren't very scary zombies but the act of killing them is very satisfying. Starting off in a grave yard, Sir Dan works his way through the game - in a crystal cavern, an asylum and a ghost ship. Again with all platformers/action games, there is more and more complex and better weaponry as you advance throughout the game. You can do merchandise with gargoyles throughout the game because there is gold spattered liberally around Gallowmere. There are two endings to the story. MediEvil is compulsively playable and remains a fan favourite long after the PS1 gave up the ghost. Sir Dan is a goofy and charming hero. The game has wit, intelligence and it is well designed. I believe that the game has aged very well and this has helped it endure as a cult favourite throughout the years. Be warned though - it is rather addictive.
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My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!